Learn more about the challenge and download the accompanying PDFs below! Plus, take a moment to sign up for my totally awesome email list -->

Get it in an email!

You can download the challenge PDFs below, but why not get some killer emails while you're at it. I promise they're not boring or spammy.


I understand that coming online is a daunting task. That's why I've designed a challenge that not only teaches you how, but simplifies the process and walks your through the steps. Challenge yourself today and commit to growing your business.

What you'll achieve

  • Create & Optimize Social Media Platforms for Your Business

We start with social media. Stop waiting for the perfect moment and take action to get your social media created and optimized for the digital age. The ROI of a single post per week is outstanding and the best part, "it's free real estate."

  • Create a Website That Acts as the Foundational Backbone to Your Online Presence.

You need a website. You know it, I know it. So let's create one! If you're still a skeptical reader we talk about the why and how of a website in our course material. Discovery the "Not-so-secrets" of the top businesses around the world and start with a simple website. You aren't going to compete with amazon today, but we can take the step toward the goal.

  • Learn how Automation can Reduce the Time You Spend on Repetitive Tasks

Stop sending the same email over and over and over. Learn how utilizing automation can improve your business and buy back time you can spend on the business rather than in it! From reputation automation, to email marketing campaigns and appointment automations let your foundation work for you instead of against you.

Consider joining our 6-week program to stay accountable!

No need to go it alone. We offer a 6-week program that walks through this challenge in more depths and helps create a functioning and lasting online experience.

  • What is the 6-week Program?

The 6-week program is our flagship course that will help guide you in building a foundational online presence. From social media to a website, reputation management to a lead magnet we discuss and implement all the standard foundational tactics you read about online, better yet - you get 1:1 coaching and assistance all through the program.

  • How do I get Started?

We're tight on space, so we only accept 5 new businesses a month. To get started with PetSync and our 6-week program you simply need to fill out the form on the right to apply for the program. From there we'll reach out to see if you're a good fit for the program and software.

  • What about when I finish the program?

During the program we setup a conversion optimized website, social media accounts and automation, and a lead magnet funnel to bring in new leads. All of this runs through our software. After the initial course you get to keep the software at an incredibly low rate as our gift.

Apply to the 6-Week Program

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.

Pricing Options to Suit Your Needs

Tailored Pricing for Your Business Needs


Take action and DIY. Bring your business online by following our mini-course through till the end and let us know how it went!



  • 28hr Course Material

  • 28hr Challenge

6-Week Program

Looking for expert advice. Work through the refined course side-by-side with other businesses and 1:1 with 10 years of digital marketing experience.



  • Everything in the DIY Package

  • 1:1 Expert Coaching Each Week

  • Customized program to meet you where you're at.

  • 3 Months of Free Program-Specific Software

  • 17% off Software Pricing After the Program (Forever)

Just the Software - DIY

I understand the DIY mindset. I'm a DIY type myself. So you're able to get the software on it's own to help cut costs, and build your foundation.



  • Access to Software

  • Access to the Exclusive Community

  • Access to the Course Materials

  • Access to Weekly Office Hours

  • Proven Web, Email, and Automation Templates

The Company - PetSync LLC

Okay, a bit about the company and it's goals. PetSync is actually an idea I had when I was much younger. My mom (That's me and her in the photo) ran her own pet grooming shop and she was pretty good at it. She had more customers than she could deal with but it was a one woman show.

Every time I asked her if she wanted to grow the business she declined quoting one problem or another that would actually be more work than it would be worth - so each time I walked away trying to figure out a way to solve that problem.

It wasn't until after she sold the shop and moved away from the location did I really dig into the idea and thus - PetSync. A software, but more importantly, a set of systems and processes that could help small pet-centric businesses expand, increase business and make it easy at that.

So my "mission" or "vision" is to help people overcome the problems I saw my mom face when I was younger. Helping to provide systems that save time and effort over and over.

Ideally, your time and effort.

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